About 52 Videos found | Showing 1 - 28
What is the manner in which Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei sends salutations upon the holy Prophet...
With what words does Imam Khamenei describe Shaheed Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah with? And what did...
Why has the zionist regime of israel resorted to such horrendous amounts of destruction and...
What do we Muslims owe to the Resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen? How does...
What are some of the words that Imam Khamenei uses to describe the zionist entity called israel?...
What kind of damage has the Resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon done to the zionist...
The Leader of the Islamic Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, has put forth a beautiful, logical,...
Imam Khamenei delivered a strong message in Arabic language regarding Palestine & Al-Quds.
The Leader of the Islamic Ummah, Imam Khamenei delivered this Friday Sermon in Tehran after the...
January 17, 2020, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah delivered an outstanding Friday sermon in...
Vali Amr Muslimeen Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei delivered this speech at the International...
Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr was born in al-Kazimiya, Iraq to the prominent Sadr family, which...
Who are the black sheep in our ranks? How should we recognize them?
The deputy of the Imam recites the duaa for the safety of Imam Zaman (A).
لبنان سے آئے ہوئے شہداء کے والدین کے ولی امرمسلمین...
ہم اُمّتِ واحدہ ہیں اقتباس از: وحدتِ اسلامی کی عالمی...
اس سال بھی پچھلے سالوں کی طرح، اپنے ولی کے حکم کو لبیک...
Yesterday, 6 Jan 2020, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Khamenei lead the funeral prayers of...
إِن تَنْصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ...
ولی امر مسلمین سید علی خامنہ ای دام ظلّہ العالی نے آٹھ...
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei calls out to the Muslim world and all the justice seekers around the...
- جب امام زمانہؑ دنیا کو عدل و انصاف سے بھر دیں گے تو...
Prepare for the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (ATFS) Do we assume that we are ready for...
The real and just revenge of the martyrdom of Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes is not...
تم نے جس خون کو مقتل میں دبانا چاہا آج وہ کوچہ و بازار...
حضرت آیتالله خامنهای رهبر انقلاب اسلامی در آخرین...
ریفرنڈم کی فلسطینی جدوجہد کس نوعیت کی منطق ہے؟ یہ...
مکتب اہلبیت علیہم السلام کے پیروکار اور شاگردان مکتب...