About 156 Videos found | Showing 1 - 28
Leader\\\\\\\'s Ayatyllah Khamenei Friday Seromn Delivered in Arabic- Leader discusses Egyptian...
Nowruz Prayer by Imam Khamenei دعای تحویل سال از امام خامنه - Arabic, Farsi
Failure of the system of Arabic countries- Imam Khamenei - Farsi sub English
[English Sub] Ayatollah Khamenei Describes Current Islamic Awakening in region - Full Arabic Sermon
Imam Khamenei delivered a strong message in Arabic language regarding Palestine & Al-Quds.
January 17, 2020, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah delivered an outstanding Friday sermon in...
Friday Sermon delivered by Vali Amr Muslimeen Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (H.A) on 4...
عزت و كرامت - Ayatullah Khamenei about Egypt - Arabic sub Persian
Our Leader Our Love Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei - Arabic sub English
My love and allegiance is to Ali Al Khamenei - Arabic sub Farsi sub English
Lideri Khamenei lexon Suren Shems - Arabic sub Albanian
Ayatullah Khamenei\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s addresses Global Awakening and its suppression by arrogant...
Ziyarat e Imam Hussain AS Recite Leader Syed Ali Khamenei - Arabic
The Leader of the Islamic Ummah, Imam Khamenei delivered this Friday Sermon in Tehran after the...
Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr was born in al-Kazimiya, Iraq to the prominent Sadr family, which...
الاقتصاد المقاوم والاعتماد على الإدارة الجهادية -...
الاقتصاد المقاوم والثمرات المترتبة عليه - Rehber Muazzam...
التمسك بالقرآن - Rehber Muazzam Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Farsi Sub Arabic
الإنتاج العمود الفقري للاقتصاد المقاوم - Rehber Muazzam Sayyed...
[August 2013] Ayatullah Khamenei Leading Eid Prayers - Namaz at Tehran University - Arabic
Imam Khamenei speaking about the real essence in the day of al-Quds.
[English Sub] Important Points for Uprising nations for conideration Ayatullah Khamenei sermon
Policies awakening nations should adopt- Ayatullah Khamenei ( English Sub)
Ayatollah Khamenei reciting verses from Surah Al Baqara
Ayatollah Khamenei Reciting sura Al Jumua
Surah Munafiqon - Quran Recitation by Ayatullah Ali Khamenei in Friday Prayers
Yesterday, 6 Jan 2020, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Khamenei lead the funeral prayers of...
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei calls out to the Muslim world and all the justice seekers around the...