About 3,423 Videos found | Showing 1 - 28
Imam Khamenei during Sacred Defence
imam khamenei speaking about nuclear energy and rights of iran with english subtitles
Imam Khamenei exercising on the mountains of Tehran after morgon prayers.
Imam Khamenei speaking about the value of the revolution in Karbaala in our society today.
Leader Syed Ali Khameneii speech regarding Society to follow Imam Ali
Imam Khamenei at war fronts during Sacred Defence.
Old Speeches of Ayatollah Khamenei talking about Imam Khomeini R.A - Persian
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Khamenei(HA), has said in a meeting with the...
[MUST WATCH] Ayatullah Khamenei reciting masaeb of Imam Ali (a.s) - Farsi sub English
Excerpt from an old speech. Imam Khamenei speaking to students after the so-called protest back...
ENGLISH WILL START AFTER 4MINS - 4th June 2010 - Leader Ayatollah Khamenei - Friday Prayer Sermon...
This video presents some selections from the speech of Wali-Amr al-Muslimeen, Imam Khamenei,...
Rahber Ayatollah Khamenei On Ramadan & Imam Khomeini And the Iranian Nations...
Imam Khamenei speaking about how important it is for people to participate in elections.
Imam Khamenei speaking about the real essence in the day of al-Quds.
Imam Khamenei at war fronts during Sacred Defence.
Imam Khamenei delevering a revolutionary speech on the ninth day of Muharram and touching on...
Imam Khamenei excercising on mountain after morning prayers.
Ayatullah Khamenei regarding Imam Ali (a.s.) - Farsi sub English
Nowruz Prayer by Imam Khamenei دعای تحویل سال از امام خامنه - Arabic, Farsi
[English] Supreme Leader Speech at Holy Shrine of Imam Reza Mashhad - 20th March 2012
فلسفه انتظار Philosophy for Waiting for Imam (ajtf) - Farsi
Vali Amr Muslimeen, Imam Sayed Ali Khamenei, casted his vote in the Islamic Republic\'s Ninth...
Imam Khamenei 1996 speech in front of 27th Mohammad Rasulallah (pu) Division commanders....
دیدار مسئولان نظام با رهبری The officials met with Imam Khamenei - Farsi
Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei (h) spricht über das Massaker in Myanmar und das Schweigen der...
Shahadat masaib of Imam Ali (a.s) recited by Vali Amr Muslimeen, Ayatullah Khamenei -...
Shahadat masaib of Imam Ali (a.s) recited by Vali Amr Muslimeen, Ayatullah Khamenei -...